【開館時間】 2025年4月1日(火)から 午前10時~午後4時
Notice from an exhibition reference room of kiryu textile memorial hall!
Change in operating hours!
Please be advised that our hours of operation will be changed, starting from April 1,2025 as follows:10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Also, Opening hours of textile shop is 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.(remain the same)
We look forward to your visit.
□お問い合わせ 0277-43-7272(販売場) 0277-43-2510(展示室)
□住所 群馬県桐生市永楽町6-6
□会館時間 【2階資料展示室】午前10時~午後5時(2025年3月31日まで)/ 午前10時~午後4時(2025年4月1日から)
※休館:8月13~16日、12月29日~1月3日 ※販売場は毎月最終土曜日と翌日曜日が休場
□桐生織物記念館HP 桐生織物記念館公式ウェブサイト
□入館料 無料
≪Visitor Information of Kiryu textile memorial hall≫
[About an exhibition reference room of Kiryu textile memorial hall]
【Opening hours from April 1,2025】10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
【Closed】Obon holidays(August 13 to August 16) Year-end/New Year holiday (December 29 to January 3)
[About textile shop(Kiryu textile memorial hall 1F)]
【Opening hours】10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
【Closed】last Saturday and Sunday of every month. Obon holidays(August 13 to August 16) Year-end/New Year holiday (December 29 to January 3)
※Our shop is not a duty-free shop.
Adress:Kiryu textile memorial hall,6 – 6 Eiraku cho,Kiryu,Gunma,376-0044,Japan
Admission fee:free
Inquiry:Instagram or https://kiryutextile